
You’re In An Entanglement, I’m In An Entanglement, We’re All In Entanglements!

Guess what though, I stayed, I stayed because I lost sight of who I was, I stayed because I did not respect myself anymore, I had let him play the lead role in my life for so long I began to tolerate mediocrity.

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Okay so I’m going to be completely honest with you the title is just click bait, hold on hold on, before you leave, just hear me out, just five minutes, actually maybe six. Have you ever been on a date and thought, “Well this has been an utter waste of clothes?”

If your answer is no, I applaud you king, I applaud you queen because you can probably sniff “time wasters” from a mile away and you have standards when it comes to who has access to your energy (p.s. please leave your number in the comment section, I’d love to be your friend :). If you answered yes however you’re probably like me, I almost forgot to introduce myself, where are my manners I go by “Agnes The Clown”  and when it comes to red flags and warning signs I’m absolutely colour blind.

Red flags as most of you may know are not universal there is no one size fits all for red flags, having said that I’m going to tell you a quick story about ignoring sirens and alarm bells but then again in my defence I wear glasses so my vision has always been slightly skewed. For about two years I had been talking to this guy and I know that you’re thinking two years of the “talking stage” should have been an “he’s not that into you” indicator on its own. I recall at the beginning of this year him saying to me and I quote “I can’t wait to give you my last name” I almost broke out in song, this is the energy I absolutely love: men with vision, men with long term goals.

Fast forward to about three months ago lo and behold things took a drastic turn, I find it funny how every time we had a constructive argument of all the words in the English dictionary he decided profanity was the only language I understood, my first instinct was to run!

Guess what though, I stayed, I stayed because I lost sight of who I was, I stayed because I did not respect myself anymore, I had let him play the lead role in my life for so long I began to tolerate mediocrity. Dear queens and kings this is where your intuition comes in, you know that voice in your head that says “no man! Listen to that voice, do the right thing. Listening to your intuition cultivates growth, it helps you set standards with echelons so high no one will ever feel comfortable disrespecting you again. Be unapologetic when it comes to listening to your gut, nine times out of ten it will save you a massive headache.

Before I go let’s discuss this trending “entanglement issue”. The word in itself sounds messy and chaotic and has no business justifying ones bad behaviour. You cannot hurt someone and disguise your faux pas with a euphemism, the point I am trying demonstrate is that  regardless of what sort of relationship you have be it a friendship or a romantic relationship accountability is essential. Lack of culpability builds resentment and fosters unhealthy connections and even “bad marriages for life”.

 If your friend/girlfriend/boyfriend refuses to make responsibility for their actions my sister my brother you will talk and talk and cry until you have no tears left to cry, do yourself a  favour and remind yourself of worth and reiterate the phrase “I am art and not everyone can have access to me” until you recognise your value . This last bit is directed to the ladies, do not let anyone belittle you or that pizzazz moreover do not shrink yourself to accommodate anyone. Young queen, you are a force to be reckoned with, a goddess dripping in milk, butter and honey behave in a manner that exudes high self-regard and people will never walk all over you.

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