Booking a celebrity client is exciting. In fact, booking any paying client is good business. How do you ensure that you are a good service provider to keep clientele and attract new clients through referrals? The rules of engagement are exactly the same. Give everyone the same standard of VIP treatment and you will be turning down clients due to being overbooked.
Be professional
When you are doing a client’s face or hair, bear in mind that this is a business transaction. Speak only when spoken to. Remember that this isn’t your home girl and treat the experience as such. If you’ve ever had your hair done in a noisy salon, you’ll appreciate why peace and quiet is an admirable experience. Imagine being a performer and getting your hair and makeup done by a chatty service provider? You’re already stressed out by nerves and all you need is peace and quiet to focus and prepare for the performance.
Being professional also includes being on time with all your tools ready. For example, as a makeup artist, you can’t show up without your client’s shade of foundation. If you are a hair braider, please, no one wants to be handing you braids. There’s this wooden contraption that braider’s use to partition braids before the client arrives. This saves you and the client time and admin which will save you drama and effort.
Seek permission before photographing or sharing your experience about your celeb client. There are so many things to take into consideration before disclosing that you worked with a certain client. Check with them if they are comfortable with the world knowing that you worked with them. Yes, people knowing that you worked with a celeb is huge ego and business boost. But, do you want recognition from the public or do you want more referrals amongst the A-Listers? Even without signing one, treat every experience as if you’ve signed a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA).
Be teachable
Everyone wants credit when the feedback is positive but when it’s negative, the celeb takes the backlash on their own. So, when a celeb asks you to change something or even to start again, don’t get offended. Trust the client. It’s an opportunity for you to learn something different. At the end of the day, it’s the celeb who will be trolled and dragged on social media if something goes wrong. Wardrobe stylists, makeup artists, hair stylists are hardly called out by name for doing a bad job.
Service provider, please show up to your appointment with the client prepared. If you are a makeup artist, this means having all shades of foundation. If you are a hairstylist, it means having all the equipment that you need. Also, please have clean equipment that’s presentable and effective for the task at hand. Using one beauty blender on several clients is a hygienic concern. Dirty salon towels are a health hazard. Have a clean working area. This increases your chances of getting rehired and being re-booked. If your skills need you to be in your client’s personal space bubble, please ensure that you pay attention to your personal hygiene. Makeup artists breathe onto the client and that can get uncomfortable if halitosis has entered the chat.
It’s normal to get starstruck and to want to shout it from the rooftops. It’s also critical for you to do what’s best for your business. Nobody wants to work with someone who is loose-lipped. Loose lips sink ships, relationships. There is a reason why the service providers who are spilling tea on celebs are only doing so after they have retired. Seek permission to take or share footage of the work you did for the client. This will keep you out of trouble in the long run.
Shuwa there was an uproar paya when she was suspected to have leaked mai tts wedding pictures before the wedding