For the Culture

PRESS RELEASE: August CREDISI Party Set for 29 Aug

This month’s Creative Diversity & Social Inclusion Show, will feature Qeqe + Dj Prince Eskhosini + Soul Dudes + Mzistozz Mfanafuthi + Sweet Mobby and Shekinnah.

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Qeqe, DJ Prince Eskhosini and Sweet Mobby Set To Headline the August Credisi Party

The August ‘Creative Diversity and Social Inclusion Project’ (CREDISI) show will be hosted live on the Inkululeko Yabatsha School of Arts (IYASA), Facebook page on Saturday 29 August 2020. Two time National Arts Merit Awards (NAMA) winner Qeqe, DJ Prince Eskhosini, Sweet Mobby, Mzistozz Mfanafuthi, Shekinah the music and Soul Dudes are all set to wow online audiences. The monthly show will be held from 8:30PM.

The Credisi project started in August 2019 and this month’s event is its 10th edition with two more shows left before the monthly project comes to an end. Through the CREDISI project Iyasa worked with the local authority and arts stakeholders on inter-cultural dialogue meetings which were set to build an understanding and generate confidence which can enable the implementation of reforms around the use of public infrastructure in the city. The project targeted to engage, youth led organisations, women’s arts groups, creative clubs/hubs as well as initiatives done by upcoming and independent artists in the city.

Due to the ban on public gatherings the March show had to be stopped which then forced us to host the other shows virtually. For this edition we will introduce to the world to a new dance outfit called the Soul Dudes, while Mzistozz Mfanafuthi, Shekinah “The Music” and Qeqe are all set to drop some of their latest tracks for the first time live on the Credisi Party.

For this edition we promise nothing but the best of art from this region, we will introduce the world to the Soul Dudes who will be a marvel to watch, Mzistozz Mfanafuthi is set to bring an amazing kwaito set and will take time to sample some of his latest works, Shekinah “The Music” is also set to bring a fresh new sound to the Credisi stage.” – Organisers.

CREDISI is being implemented by Iyasa in collaboration with the Bulawayo City Council (BCC) and supported by Culture at Work Africa (CAWA), which is a consortium of eight African, European and International partners whose mission is to promote the public value of intercultural dialogue for social cohesion in Urban areas across Africa.


By Kudakwashe Takundwa – Inkululeko Yabatsha School of Arts Media Consultant

12 August 2020

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