Stories By Musings Of A Whimsical Mind
The Great Shedding
31/12/2022I spoke to a friend recently and she had a rather nasty episode of “shedding.” What...
Tangled: The Classic Mother Wound
08/07/2021So, let the records show my inkwell was officially dry; I had started my journey and...
Health & Wellness
Alice in Wonderland: Musing of a Whimsical Mind
25/06/2021When I first watched Alice in Wonderland, I was enchanted by the magical absurdity of it...
Aladdin: The Carpet Ride of Lies
15/06/2021The one thing I didn't love was the yellow brick road of lies that paved the...
Health & Wellness
Healing Through Artistic Expression
25/05/2021Africa Day is here and although the pandemic has changed many a thing in our lives,...
Celebrating Mental Health Awareness Month: Mental Health Is Not The Issue!
06/05/2021I say, Mental health is not the issue. It never was. At its core, the issue...
Through The Looking Glass: The Lens Through Which You See Life.
03/05/2021This begs the question; what frequency are you on? Every day, we wake up & ask,...
Celebrating Independence: Freedom of the Self
26/04/2021As we celebrated independence, the question I ask you is do you have freedom for yourself?
Brave: Becoming Your Own Hero
26/03/2021Brave is by far one of the most underrated animated movies out there. Brave is iconic...
Expecto Patronum: Protecting Your Energy
25/03/2021I’m a huge fan of the Harry Potter Series in it’s entirety. It is an epic...