Gender Is Not A Social Issue, It Is A Social Construct
03/06/2021I saw a quote by poet Noor Hindi that read, “Fuck your lecture about craft,...
Celebrating Mental Health Awareness Month: Mental Health Is Not The Issue!
06/05/2021I say, Mental health is not the issue. It never was. At its core, the issue...
Through The Looking Glass: The Lens Through Which You See Life.
03/05/2021This begs the question; what frequency are you on? Every day, we wake up & ask,...
Celebrating Independence: Freedom of the Self
26/04/2021As we celebrated independence, the question I ask you is do you have freedom for yourself?
Rusty Sexual Education? Not on our watch!
21/04/2021Information around sex and how it works is treated as a secret. The information is meant...
Stop Calling Mental Illnesses ‘White People Diseases’
09/04/2021We need seminars on mental illness to inform the population, and include it in the curriculum,...
Brave: Becoming Your Own Hero
26/03/2021Brave is by far one of the most underrated animated movies out there. Brave is iconic...
Expecto Patronum: Protecting Your Energy
25/03/2021I’m a huge fan of the Harry Potter Series in it’s entirety. It is an epic...
Women Have Body Hair, Get Over It!
18/03/2021“Grooming" means optional cosmetic activities to maintain your desired appearance, not “necessary basic hygiene" activities like...
Men Are A Victim Of Patriarchy
12/03/2021What is a king without knowledge? How does the heir to the throne manage the kingdom...