The Corpse Bride – No Happily Ever After
01/01/2023I was rewatching Tim Burton movies this holiday; I’m a bit of a Grinch, and I...
The Great Shedding
31/12/2022I spoke to a friend recently and she had a rather nasty episode of “shedding.” What...
The Problem With Men’s Mental Health Activism
29/09/2022June was men’s health month, but you couldn’t even advocate for yourselves: no posts, events—nothing. Half...
Body Shaming: Let’s leave the comment, “You’ve gained/lost weight”
13/03/2022If you missed the sarcasm, your comment is unasked-for. Weight opinions are not like saying your...
Child Marriage is not a Revenue Stream
17/09/2021When I was in primary school, I knew a 12-year-old apostolic girl whose family collected her...
Empower the woman in ways that count
18/08/2021Women need to be acknowledged and given "proper" empowerment tools to improve their standard of living.
Tangled: The Classic Mother Wound
08/07/2021So, let the records show my inkwell was officially dry; I had started my journey and...
The Sense of Belonging: Forever Bulawayo at Heart
05/07/2021Bulawayo ina “that thing” (Bulawayo has that thing). I have heard many people from the East...
Aladdin: The Carpet Ride of Lies
15/06/2021The one thing I didn't love was the yellow brick road of lies that paved the...
Lobola: Who’s Paying the Real Price for Bride Price?
07/06/2021Even if we Ndebele say lobola is for the children she will bear, what of infertile...