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Letter from the Editor: Ses’khona!

From the Editor

Letter from the Editor: Ses’khona!

Hi everyone, I hope you are well given the circumstances being that there’s a global pandemic Covid-19.

Allow me to introduce myself, my name is Nobuhle and if you’re reading this you are on our site and must be wondering what iNgundukazi is all about and what it means.

The name iNgundukazi was inspired by my sister Thembi Terry and my Uncle Nokhetho. Uncle Nok, as we affectionately call him, used to say it a lot when we were growing up. It was usually used in gratitude towards my aunts and the women in the family.

I liked that iNgundukazi was a different name for women. Google it and see how unique it is. We literally own it. I wanted to do something that’s never been done before for women and I guess the name just fit. You know how they say if you want your child to be unique, give them a less popular name? That’s what I was going for. Something African for our target audience. The magazine is female oriented and we aim to keep you on your toes, educate, entertain and enlighten you.

To my team I’d like to thank you for taking the time to produce top notch content and for the time and dedication you’ve put in to this magazine. I invite you to like, comment and subscribe to the iNgundukazi Magazine. We have the best youth creatives on our team and we look forward to telling more critical stories and being the best female publication to come out of Bulawayo.

Don’t forget to practice social distancing, sanitise take precautionary measures and stay safe. Don’t forget we are in this together.



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I'm Noni Zulu, editor of iNgudukazi Magazine and I'm proud to say that. This is a magazine that looks to empower the youth. We hope to entertain, inspire and motivate our subscribers and to help make a difference.

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