Life’s too short for bad s3x. We’ve shortlisted 5 things that can drastically improve your s3x life and they are mostly affordable.
Body odour can ruin a s_xual experience. We know there’s water shortages but please bath and be fresh for the coitus. Don’t wash hotspots because you don’t know where your lover may decide to kiss or lick you. If you lick your skin and it tastes salty that’s nasty. Please rectify that problem. Brush your teeth. Shave or wax if you must. Wear clean underwear. It will boost your confidence and you’ll be less self conscious during love making.
Know what you like
No one can know for you what your body likes. Take time to discover what tickles your fancy. What works for you and what doesn’t. Speak to your partner about your needs and desires. Don’t be shy to ask for what you need. The pleasure pendulum swings both ways. Discuss your s_x life regularly to ensure that both of you are still being satisfied adequately.

Have protection
Besides knowing your HIV status and your partner’s status, you need to have protection against unplanned pregnancies and STIs. Normalize carrying your own condoms and buying your own morning afters. No one is responsible for your health except you. Protect yourself, your health and your future from any surprises.

Get consent from your partner and make sure that you both want to do the deed. Consent will save you drama, scandal and jail time. It goes without saying that s_x is for consenting adults so please refrain from engaging in s_xual relations with children. Children cannot consent to anything. They can’t even spell consent.

Toys and things
Build up a collection of items which spice up your s_x life. Carex and Durex have amazing lubrication gels and toys. There are s_x toy peddlers in Zimbabwe who can get you what you need. Discuss toy usage with your partner and please keep those toys clean and out of reach from other people. Having nice lingerie which makes you feel cute and s_xy is a worthy investment. Dulcie’s Little Secret has amazing lingerie in their Harare shop.
If you make these little changes, your s_x life will be satisfying and incredibly pleasurable. If you have any other tips, please share them below.