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Introducing the HAD (Hotspot Africa Directory)

For the Culture

Introducing the HAD (Hotspot Africa Directory)

I therefore introduce to you The Hotspot Africa Directory (HAD), a directory service for the arts by the arts.

Lillian Muzambwa of HAD

Lillian Muzambwa of HAD

Hi 👋 there awesome creative, my name is Lillian Muzambwa. I am the founder of the HAD. The HAD is a directory service for the creative sector and I’m inviting you to list so you can find and be found by other creatives and industry professionals on the lookout for talent to work with.

As creatives we meet so many challenges from funding to marketing our products and services and a lot more in between. The vision of The HAD is to be the first port of call for anyone looking to access local talent across the spectrum. Whether you are a filmmaker, wordsmith, musician,fashion designer,make-up artiste or behind the scenes an so much more in the diversity of the arts, The HAD is for you.

I didn’t now him personally, I knew of Cal_vin’s music and popularity in the city. In some ways I envied him the fame. But for some reason, his death hit me real hard like I’d known him forever. The same emotions resurface with every bereavement in the arts where artistes often gain more respect in death than they do in life. Although known more or less in their niche markets among particular followers of their genres of art, Cal_vin & Soul Jah Luv trended in ways they never had in life. It was bittersweet and heartbreaking to witness. An almost uniform cry for Cal_Vin was ‘We didn’t know him‘, bonafide hip-hop fans lashed out at those who knew him for not having hyped that kind of talent enough. Those moments of heartbreak and the resultant outpouring we go through whenever we’ve lost great talent which we frankly ignored got me thinking, what if we had an exclusively local platform on which people could check out local talent?

🤔Something simple and data friendly.
🤔Something someone can check-in while on the go.
🤔Something where the traffic is manageable for someone dealing with enough pressure to pick talent to work with???

I mean, yeah, we are the age of social media, there are a million and one apps to use and inadvertently that’s exactly part of the problem… It’s easy to get drowned out. Trying to get your content front of the line can be overwhelming. A consolidated platform which gives direction and info could be a game changer.

I therefore introduce to you The Hotspot Africa Directory (HAD), a directory service for the arts by the arts. With your support as creatives no matter the your creative focus, this can become a consolidated platform where great opportunities & synergies can come from.

By signing up for the HAD:
👉🏿 Get listed as a creative service provider
👉🏿 Make yourself known for potential synergies with other creatives – _find your tribe
👉🏿 Be accessible to industry experts looking for talent

Registration is very simple just click on the link and follow the prompts to get listed.

Hope to see you on the HAD soon😉. See the possibilities

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