Profiles & Interviews
Meet Bhekiwé Dube: Bulawayo’s Pop Princess
Bhekiwe caught me in a gaze and I haven’t taken my eyes off of her still.

Bhekiwe Dube
I first saw Bhekiwe when she had a cameo on Asaph featuring Mawiza and Msiz’kay’s song ‘Back to December‘ and I thought, “who’s that girl?” She then released the song ‘Showstopper‘ and our Nonhlanhla reviewed it. It was right there and then that I knew that we had a superstar on our hands. She caught me in a gaze and I haven’t taken my eyes off of her still.
You started your career in modelling, how was that experience for you?
I built a lot more of my confidence when I was modelling. I was trained by The Samantha Tshuma and she made sure that I was always on my A game. I enjoyed every second of it.
Your song ‘Showstopper’ is an earworm, what was the creative process behind that?
With Show Stopper I wanted the record to be something that my ladies listen to and feel confident and to know that they are the prize LOL it’s for all the divas out there. It took me about 20 minutes to write it while I was cooking. A melody came to mind, lyrics flowed and it all just came together perfectly
You sing, dance, act and model, which one do you enjoy the most? Which one brings in the most money?
I can safely say I enjoy all but I’m a singer and dancer first so that’s where my heart is. Music has definitely brought me the most income and I’m so grateful for all the opportunities that keep opening up for me.
What’s the one thing you want to learn as an artist?
As an artist I’m constantly trying to evolve and push myself to be the best. I’m on the path of finding new ways to step outside the norm, especially with my sound. I wanna bring something new to the table. So I guess I’m learning how to execute that.
Q Dube the comedian is your brother, what advice has he given you about showbiz?
Don’t hold back. Most of the advice I’ve received from him comes from my observation of him. He chases his dream and doesn’t let up on it. He aims to make people laugh but still leaves behind a message. I apply the same to my work. Entertain but with purpose and meaning.
What are some of the ways in which you improve your craft?
I practice. It’s true, practice makes perfect LOL. I rehears until I’m satisfied. Even when I don’t necessarily have a show coming up I still put in the work at home. I spend time with other creatives, I draw inspiration from their art and get motivated from that. I also read books that help me stay focused. Atomic Habits is my favorite right now. It’s taught be to build healthy habits that will contribute to my overall success. The little things add up to the big things.
When can we expect new music?
If I had a dollar for every time I’ve gotten this question I’d be so rich LOL. Sooner than a lot of people think though. I have released myself of public pressure to put out music. I believe art shouldn’t be rushed you know. I have been building other structures that are necessary for the new music y’all want LOL. It’ll make sense soon. But the music is definitely coming through 🙂
Which local artists would you like to collaborate and make new art with?
Oh man! There are a lot of artists I’d love to work with. But at the top of my list (in no particular order) I’d say Takura, he is one of the most diverse artists we have. MJ Sings. He has such an incredible voice and I think we’d make magic together. Winky D. This is a literal dream of mine! He is a living legend and sharing a creative moment with him would be one for the books. Anita Jackson, she’s such good energy. It’d be great to see the Queens of the new school on a song together.
Why do you think ‘Showstopper’ did as well as it did?
Hmmm I think it was unexpected? LOL I don’t know what people were expecting really but I don’t think it was that. It’s different from what’s typically heard on local radio so I guess people liked that? I think we must ask the people this one🤔
Women tend to struggle with longevity in the media industry, what’s your strategy to circumvent that?
I think staying original and constantly improving that is the best way to sustain longevity. In today’s world people hide who they really are and feel the need to live other peoples lives or according to what other people expect. We can’t meet everyone’s expectations and we certainly won’t go far portraying lives that aren’t true to us. That’s a recipe for unwarranted burnout and lack of identity. True identity is necessary for longevity. I also think as women, especially in African cultures, the older we get the more our priorities shift and the responsibilities e.g. Raising families, being a wife. Sometimes the women tend to take more of that load and neglect their passion for media and entertainment. Women and men should chase their dreams to the fullest and responsibilities of the home should be shared equally.
Did your upbringing influence your craft and business?
Proud to say it did. I grew up in a house that had (still has) incredible taste in music. Music that influences my craft today. My dad has hundreds of vinyl records that he would play growing up. Lionel Richie, Queen etc. my brother introduced me to hip hop from a young age. He’d take me to school and we’d bump Jay Z Nas etc on the way. my sister introduced me to R&B and my mom to soul music, the likes of Sam Cook, Ottis Redding. So safe to say I got a taste of everything and here I am today. My parents let me explore my artistic side and always encouraged it. My childhood best friend and I would host garden concerts and invite the whole neighbourhood to come watch on weekends. We used to have so much fun! I built a lot of confidence in those gardens and all that’s contributed to who I am today.
Tell us about your community how have the women in your life influenced you?
I’m surrounded by strong women who are go-geters and I’m so inspired by them. My mom being one of them. She’s always worked hard and constantly tells me to push myself and to believe in myself and what I stand for. As mentioned above Samantha Tshuma is another woman in my community who always reminds me to be classy and fierce. Thembi Terry, seeing what she’s doing in the Bulawayo creative space and the doors she’s pushing down for artists like me is incredible to see! Reminds me that it can be done, regardless of where you are or where you’re from.
Is there anything else that you’re doing outside the Creative field?
Well, everything I’m doing currently is within the creative field LOL. If anything changes you’ll be the first to know:)
In as much as you have people that are supportive and in your corner, how do you cope/deal with negative people and comments?
I don’t. I’ve come to terms with the fact that when people are negative in anyway it has everything to do with them and nothing to do with me. They are projecting their own insecurities or fears on to me but I do not receive it in anyway. As an artist it’s so important to protect your mind or else you fall victim to the pessimism.
Last but not least your makeup and outfits are always on point who is your stylist?
Well, I don’t have a have a permanent stylist as of yet but I’ve been styled by the incredible Empress Primy on many occasions. I do my own makeup most of the time but I’ve had the chance to work with BeatsbyMinehle, beatsbymarita and glamorous beauty. All these women are so talented and have amazing work ethic.
I'm Noni Zulu, editor of iNgudukazi Magazine and I'm proud to say that. This is a magazine that looks to empower the youth. We hope to entertain, inspire and motivate our subscribers and to help make a difference.