What a time to be from Bulawayo! Released on the 6th of November, Chioniso aka Chichi has released her first ever R’n’B EP titled Heaven is Closer Than You Know. With 8 Tracks the EP features Bulawayo artists from Drummer Boy Kenny to Indigo Saint and also not forgetting Prolific.
Produced by Prolific, HICTYK, is a body of work I would describe as authentic and unique. I was pleasantly surprised when I listened to the EP. Chioniso left me craving for more, 8 tracks were too little. The vibes are just right with this body of art. I haven’t heard anything like it from Bulawayo artists and it is undisputedly a genre that we need to pay attention to more.
The songs were written by the songbird with each song having a different and relatable message. The EP, features tracks such as ‘Cry For You’, ’47 Jacarandas’, “Traffic Lights’, and ‘Ghost’, with 47 Jacarandas and Ghost being my absolute favorites.
In Cry For You, Chioniso sings, “Crying freedom in the streets,/There is nothing left to eat,/ All our sons have gone to war,/ And we’re left with poverty,/ Independent state of mind…riches we pray to find.” Everything about this track is relatable. Everyone has scars, troubles and we are all tired of crying.
The track that stood out for me was 47 Jacarandas, not only because of the lyrics but the title. Why 47 Jacarandas, why specifically the number 47? According to Chioniso, the number 47 has a significant meaning in her life. From finding her place in the creative world to making friends in places that she never expected.
HICTYK is a piece of art. Chioniso put in the work into this project and produced a marvellous piece of work. You can feel the passion in her words, a little piece of her paradise.
The beats on all tracks were made by Portland and Area 51 respectively, while the EP was produced by Prolific. In the words of Chioniso, “Creating this body of work felt like I had discovered a small slice of heaven, music is the sweetest escape.” The featured artists did the most and delivered quality. The amount of talent in this project is brilliant, which can only be found in Bulawayo.
Chioniso is a poet, singer- songwriter from the City of Kings. She makes art and is art. She is a creative, a treasure and an artist. Chichi prays that you’ll find some kind of joy and serenity as you listen to Heaven Is Closer Than You Know. Check it out here.