In less than 24 hours after upload Masiyephambili had garnered 3700 YouTube views.
It makes my little Nguni heart jump for joy to know that it’s doing so well. The audio is on Spotify and wherever else you get your music fix.
A lot of work went into producing, recording and releasing the single, and the making of the video was no different. In addition to coordinating the artists there was the matter of coordinating with the City Elders and corporate entities for shoots at City Hall and other public spaces. If you ask him nicely, maybe Vusa Mkhaya will tell you what fun it was. It must be acknowledged that Mayor Solomon Mguni gave public support for the project, kungasake kuyengasifudlana as far as Bulawayo arts go. Masiyephambili lesupport yabaphathi bentambo zonke.
Masiyephambili -the official motto of Bulawayo found on the city’s coat of arms (and incorrectly spelt there)- is the brain-child of vocal virtuoso Vusa Mkhaya and the label MGIZ Publishing, established with Archie Mhone and Sisa Senkosi. The idea was to create something uniquely Bulawayo, to bring together different artists all performing in their genres and by so doing, to push Bulawayo’s music to the world. The rappers rapped, the spoken word artists did their thing (special shoutout to Moyoxide), and the vocalists reigned supreme.
The song captures the spirit of Bulawayo in magnificent detail and the video simply heightens the magnificence. It’s a collage of cityscapes, daily life, and the artists at work and it is perfect. The various views of Bulawayo will tug at your heart strings if you’re in the diaspora and if you’re at home, well, this is Bulawayo I know you already know and love; share the video, spread the love.
My favourite -my absolutely favourite part in an absolutely incredible production is Mawiza’s rap. He killed it.

It’s the whole verse for me
The stars giving props to Bulawayo in this production are (in order of appearance): Moyoxide, Asaph, Cingi, Killemol, Mimmi Tarukwana, Moyoxide, Qeqe, Mawiza, Vuyo Brown, LadyTshawe, Lamas Ellz, T3rry Tempo, Novuyo Seagirl, Taz, and Vusa Mkhaya
How to support a Bulawayo artist’s music video
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